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Wasaga Beach Public Library 2015



Wasaga-Ian AdamsIan Adams – Writer, Photographer, Editor, Paddler, Raconteur

Morgan Ian Adams is an award-winning newspaper reporter and editor, and author of the novelette, Glory, A Lamentable Condition of Affairs. He has also worked at various times as a radio news announcer, cable television playback operator, roofer, and the best job he ever had – a gofer on the Hollywood movie, A Long Kiss Goodnight, only because Geena Davis flashed him a smile.

When not in front of a computer screen, he can usually be found — in the summer, that is — in the dragon boat with the Collingwood Dragon Boat and Canoe Club, or skimming along the surface of Georgian Bay, desperately trying to stay dry while paddling a C-1 sprint canoe. He presently resides in Collingwood, Ontario, with his wife, a cat and two dogs.


THE BOOK: No Relation by Terry Fallis

Wasaga-Ian-No-Relation-Cover[1]After 15 years, a NYC copywriter is suddenly fired, and single. But his worst trouble? Meet Earnest Hemmingway, bedeviled by moniker of famous author Ernest Hemingway. Earnest’s father pressures him to come home and help run the family clothing business. As a complex familial battle plays out, Earnest’s inherited name leads him in unexpected directions.

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