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Georgian Bay Reads is supported and organized by 5 Georgian Bay area public libraries. A committee with a representative from each member library works tirelessly behind the scenes throughout the year to ensure that each year’s event is even better than previous.

The five member libraries are:

Clearview Public Library

Clearview Public Library has been part of Georgian Bay Reads since the beginning. Looking back and revisiting the book titles chosen by Clearview Public Library’s defenders: Brad Holden (2009), Sara Hershoff (2010), Joyce Smith (2011), Edward Henley (2012), Danielle Ounsey (2013 + 2014), Beth Crawley (2015), Helena Hayward (2016), Julie Pollock (2017), Cecily Ross (2018) and Lesley Martel (2019): a number of common literary themes have emerged to stand out loud and clear.  These stories about dark secrets, mysteries of love and practical strategies to survive this harsh Canadian world have been passionately presented to capacity audiences over the past 11 years. Please take a second look at our contenders that make up the 55 titles that have engaged “in battle” to be The Favorite Canadian Book in the most entertaining event of the season here in Southern Georgian Bay. We hope to see you next year in person and until then please remember that reading a good book is one of the best ways to stay solitary and safe!

The Collingwood Public Library has been a part of Georgian Bay Reads for the last 13 years. It is an event that our patrons and staff look forward to every year. The Georgian Bay Reads program creates a fun, literary competition for neighbouring libraries and their communities. Happening during Ontario Public Library week, the event allows for our public to celebrate libraries and Canadian literature in their own backyards.

Meaford Libary logo

The Meaford Public Library has been involved in Georgian Bay Reads since its inception in 2008. We are pleased to say that we have hosted this terrific event three times and have won four times (so far). Georgian Bay Reads is an event that our library and community looks forward to every year. It is a great way to raise the profile of our Canadian authors and the library. Plus it is so much fun! Meaford Public Library members have often filled a bus to attend Georgian Bay Reads when it has been held outside of the Municipality of Meaford.
The mission of the Meaford Public Library is to open doors to a world of information, education and recreation, thereby enhancing the economic, social and cultural vitality of our community.

Springwater Public Library logo

Springwater Public Library joined Georgian Bay Reads in 2015. Since then, they have hosted in 2019 and won the People’s Choice Award in both 2018 and 2019. It is always exciting to see the new titles chosen by the defenders each year, and there are lively debates in the library regarding which is thought to be the best. Read Canadian!

Wasaga Beach Public Library was one of the initial libraries involved to develop the program and keep the event rolling. They have been part of GBR event since it began in 2008. The Library has won three times and hosted twice. Wasaga Library has a group of very enthusiastic GBR fans who have participated and seen firsthand how the event is always unpredictable and entertaining. Wasaga’s literacy leaders are passionate readers and in the GBR event, it certainly shows! Wasaga Beach Public Library is a dynamic community hub where all can connect, learn, and explore in an atmosphere of openness and acceptance.

2023 Commitee Members

  • Michele McKenzie – Clearview Public Library
  • Jodie Player Delgado – Springwater Public Library
  • Alexandra Robbinson – Collingwood Public Library
  • Amy Solecki – Meaford Public Library
  • Kyle Young – Wasaga Beach Public Library
  • Gordon Palmer, Collingwood Public Library